"Biosophy is the science and art of intelligent living based on the
awareness and practice of spiritual values, ethical-social principles and
character qualities essential to individual freedom and social harmony."
-Dr. Frederick Kettner

The Biosophical Institute
Welcome to the website for the Biosophical Institute. The Biosophical
Institute, with headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio, is dedicated to furthering the
philosophy of Dr. Frederick Kettner and the objectives of Biosophy.
Explore this website to learn more about Dr. Kettner, Biosophy, and the
Biosophical Institute.
If you find the information contained in this website meaningful in any way,
we hope you will contact us or visit us sometime soon.

Meeting Time & Location
Meeting place and times vary
For information, please call (216) 691-3122

Contact Information
- Postal address
- PO Box 21155
- South Euclid, Ohio 44121
- Electronic mail
- General information: info@biosophical.org