To create biosophical groups and
educational website for character and peace education where the individual has
opportunities for self-improvement. |
To work for the synthesis of
religion, philosophy, science, education and art. |
To create a world-fellowship of
peace-loving human beings who have overcome religious, national, racial and
social prejudices who can work creatively for the growth of democracy,
spiritual personal growth and world peace. |
To create a Peace Department in the
national governments headed by a Secretary of Peace who will establish Peace
Universities. |
To perpetuate and advance Dr.
Frederick Kettner's principles and work for the development and cultivation of
character and peace nature in young people. |
To network with other groups and
organizations interested in character and peace education working
cooperatively with them. |
To make available to the public a
website having on it, the definition of Biosophy as the science and art of
intelligent living based on the awareness and practice of spiritual valies,
ethical-social principles and character qualities essential to individual
freedom and social harmony. Also making available Dr. Kettner's books,
pamphlets, lectures, lessons and all other material relevant to his work.
(Downloading by the public of this material will be permitted free of charge.) |